Richard Swinburne 上個月在 Society for Christian Philosophers (SCP)演講,主張同性戀是殘疾(disability),因為:
a homosexual cannot beget children through a loving act with a person to whom they have a unique lifelong commitment.
此演講遭到抗議,SCP會長在臉書上道歉,說 Swinburne 不代表 SCP 的立場。不過這個道歉也被抗議:
One user, Christopher M P Tomaszewski, said: “Is it the policy of the SCP to invite one of the most distinguished philosophers in the world to speak and then publicly disavow his defence of Christian morality after the fact, as if it were shocking or inappropriate that Richard Swinburne would defend Christian morality at a meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers?”
- 比起通識課,學術講座對於演講內容會(也應該)保有更多討論和批評的空間,以及開放性(意思是不預設講者說的是對的)。
- 因此,我們有理由更包容學術講座當中的政治不正確發言。